Our Story

"Where Passion Breeds Innovation"

CTRL+A Studios was born from an insatiable appetite for the extraordinary. Since our inception, we’ve been on a relentless quest to defy boundaries, redefine genres, and set new pinnacles of excellence in the gaming universe. Every title we create is a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and artistic integrity.

We serve clients at every level of their organization, whether as a trusted advisor to top management or as a hands-on coach.

Shahid Saif Aldawla

co-founder of CTRL A 

what we do

Why Clients Choose Us

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Our Vision & Mission

"A Horizon Unbounded"

Our Vision is to be the sanctuaries where creativity and technology unite, crafting gaming experiences that are not just played but are lived and relished. Our Mission is to harness the eclectic talents of our team, foster an environment where innovation thrives, and sculpt games that become the benchmarks of excellence and ingenuity.